Monday 7 February 2022

How to reset your NTU SG password?

This is how to reset your NTU (Nanyang Technological University) password online, using the NTU Self-Service Password Reset functionality.

How to reset your NTU SG password?

Step 1 - Go to NTU password reset

Go to NTU password reset at


Step 2 - Take note of the NTU account you want to reset

You will be presented a couple of different password reset options. These will be:
  • Office 365 EDU email account
  • Network Account
 Office 365 Education email account and Network Account Password Changer

Step 3 - Click on Self-Service Password Reset

As you have forgotten your password, we will select the NTU Self-Service Password Reset to reset your password.

Go to or

Please fill in your appropriate detail and select the NTU account you need to reset. 

  • Office 365 EDU email account (your emails)
  • Network Account (your Blackboard/ NTU Learn, NTU SSO for Zoom)
  • More details in the "What are your NTU accounts?" if you are uncertain of which account you are trying to reset.

Step 4 - Answer NTU Security Question

You will now be prompted to answer the security question. This will be your birthday. Click Validate when you are done.
Enter your data of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format. For example, key in 27/02/1990 if your birthday is on 27 Feb 1990.

Step 5 - Reset your NTU password and receive a One-Time-PIN (OTP)

Once the security question is validated, the system will prompt you to reset your password by selecting where you want your OTP (One-Time-PIN) code to be sent to you.
You can choose it to be sent to your:
  • Mobile or 
  • Personal email address
Either one must be registered in NTU Enterprise HR System.
Click ‘Send OTP’ when you are ready.

Select where OTP should be sent to.

You will receive a OTP to your email or SMS.

Then type in your OTP (one time password) into the "Reset your password".

Then once successfully, you will receive an OTP sent to your email address.  
 Use this temporary access code to log into your NTU account.

Dear User,

Your password has been successfully reset to your date of birth (DDMMYY), followed by the access code X88XXX.

E.g. If your date of birth is 28 July 1976 and your access code is 123456, your new password is 280776123456.

Please change your password at
NSS Service Desk
Nanyang Technological University 

Step 6 - Change your NTU password

You will now be able to change your NTU password.

Your password policy will be based on the following security requirements set by NTU's IT team.
  •  a) Length between 8 and 16 characters
  •  b) At least 1 UpperCase letter
  • c) At least 1 LowerCase letter
  • d) At least 1 Number
  • e) At least 1 Special Character (e.g. ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
  • f) Must not contain your username or part of your display name
  •  You cannot reuse your previous 3 passwords as new password.

Step 7 - Receive a NTU password change confirmation page

If you are using a Windows computer, please restart your Windows computer after changing your password.

If you are using multiple devices such as mobile phone (cell phone), tablets to access NTU services, you may be automatically logged out of those devices. So please make sure the latest password is used on each of these devices.

Step 8 - Start logging into your NTU services

Start logging into your NTU services and test to ensure it is working as per usual. 
Assuming your reset your NTU Network Account, you can try logging into one of the following:

If you reset your NTU Microsoft Office 365 email account, you can visit this page


How to reset your NTU Singapore password with SMS?

NTU has a SMS service that allows you to reset your password in the event you may have forgotten it. They call it the NTU "SMS Password Reset Service". 

Please do note that this is only available if you have an NTU account registered for SMS

Step 0 - Make sure you have an NTU account registered for SMS

During the process, you will be asked if you "Have registered your mobile number with us via STUDENTLINK, GSLINK or STAFFLINK and your mobile number has not been changed since then?"

Let's assume you do, so we will select "Yes and I am a STUDENT of NTU" (or applicable option for you). 

If not, you can SMS the word 'register' to +65 9372 2830 (9372 2830) to request for an account.

Step 1 - Compose a new SMS message on your phone

Compose a new SMS message on your phone to reset your Network Account password and send it when you are ready (to NTU's system on +65 93722830).

The sms format should be roughly something like the following:

  • reset student james007
  • sent to +65 93722830
  • Caps or lower text is fine. As the text message is case-insensitive, i.e. it does not matter if it is composed in upper- or lower-case, or a combination of both.

Step 2 - Piece together your temporary password from the SMS

You will receive an SMS from the system. You will need to use information from this information to piece together your password.

Step 3 - Log in and then change your password

Log into NTU with this temporary password. 
Once you are in, then start looking at changing your password through the normal steps on NTU's Password Reset webpage

This is good practice for security reasons, where you are encouraged to change this new password at something more secure and not known to others at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for using SMS Password Reset Service.

Need more help from NTU IT?

Contact the IT Service Counter/ Service Desk - NSS.


NTU IT Service Desk  6790 4357 (HELP) 

Visit NTU IT

In person at:
One Stop @ SAC
NS3-01-03/03A (GoogleMap/ NTU Map)

Due to Covid19, all visitors to One Stop Tech Lounge (for IT technical assistance) are required to book an appointment before going down to their tech lounge at One Stop.

One Stop Tech Lounge Operating hours:
Monday- Thursday 8.30am to 5.30pm
Friday 8.30am to 5pm

Submit NTU IT ticket

What are your NTU accounts? 

Not too sure what are your key NTU accounts? 

As a student or staff member at NTU (Nanyang Technological University) you will have two key sets of login credentials. These will be the following two:

1. Microsoft Office 365 EDU (education) email account

Microsoft Office 365 EDU (education) email account will let you access your NTU university emails, access Microsoft Office 365 (which includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, etc.). This also allows you to download and install Microsoft Office 365 onto your computer.

You will login this normally via a URL link such as the following: 

2. Network Account

Network Account will let you access your Blackboard (NTU Learn), NTU SSO, NTU INTU, view your results, submit teacher evaluation feedback.


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