Thursday 16 June 2022

How to rent or purchase academic dress from Serangoon Broadway for your Convocation Graduation

This is a brief guide on how graduates can purchase or rent the academic dress from the official gown vendor, Serangoon Broadway Studio Pte Ltd, for your Convocation graduation in Singapore. This is using NTU as an example, as I am graduating from NTU, however, it should be a similar process for your university as well.

So you would have received details from your university or polytechnic about graduating, and like most schools, they choose Serangoon Broadway to manage their graduation gowns.

Serangoon Broadway Pte Ltd

1365 Serangoon Road
Singapore 328244
Tel: 6293 3998

Email: [email protected]
Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10.00am to 8.00pm

How to rent or purchase academic dress from Serangoon Broadway for your Graduation Convocation

Step 1 - Go to Serangoon Broadway website and make a booking

Go to Serangoon Broadway website and click on login on the top right to start making your booking. 

Or you can scroll down the page until you see "Graduation Registration" and click on "Register".

Step 2 - Enter your ceremony code

You would have received a ceremony code from your school. Please enter the ceremony code: CEREMONY-CODE / USERNAME via the gown vendor’s (Serangoon Broadway Studio) website.


Step 3 - Enter your student details

You will then be prompted to enter your student number (matriculation number) and your local mobile number.

Your student number is your matriculation number. Per this example shared here. You will find it on your student matriculation card.

Once you are ready, click "Next".

Step 4 - Select your graduation gown

You will now be able to select your graduation gown. 

First, you will be asked your "[my] programme is..."

You can refer to "Colour of Hood" on NTU's Academic Dress and Dress Code page for details. Example below:

 Secondly, you will be presented the following options:

  1. Rent your graduation gown
  2. Purchase your graduation gown

The pricing between renting and purchasing are quite close to each other, so it depends if you want to keep and/or decorate your graduation gown for the long term or just rent and return it (in good condition).

Please note that if you are renting. Graduates who opt to rent the academic dress must return the dress directly to Serangoon Broadway Studio by x date (this year it is 31 August 2022). Your deposit will be forfeited if you do not do so by the stipulated deadline.

I personally have decided to rent my graduation gown, as I do not know what to do with it afterwards (less is more in life for me). You will need to decide which works best for you.

 Once you are ready, click "Next".

Step 5 - Fill in your personal details

Fill in your personal details such as your name, email address and phone number to register for renting/ purchasing your graduation gown. Once you are ready, click "Next".

Step 6 - Select your booking date

Select your booking date that works with your schedule. 

Serangoon Broadway also does photography and photo taking, so if you are planning to take photos, you may want to find a good timing for family/ friends as well. 

Once you are ready, click "Next".


Select "Pick up place" as "Serangoon Broadway".

Select your preferred date and timing for the pickup.


Step 7 - Graduation gown booking is confirmed

Graduation gown booking is confirmed. You will then land on a webpage that says that your graduation gown booking is confirmed. 

Take note of the details of your booking and where to go and whe.

Step 8 - Graduation gown booking is confirmed email

You will also receive an confirmation email of your booking that looks something like the following.


Congratulations and happy graduation (convocation)!

(Optional) Step 9 - Optionally you can take graduation photos on your graduation gown pick up day

Optionally, you will be presented with a special photography 20% off promotion (at the time of writing) if you are keen to have some photos taken on the day of your graduation gown pick up. 

If you are with family/ friends when you are picking up your graduation gown, it may make sense for you to have some nice photos taken. Especially as the convocation graduation day itself will probably be quite busy and hectic. 

You can also choose another date, it just depends if you want to try take advantage of their special  promotion.

Important information

1. Payment for the academic dress have to be made via cash/NETS to Serangoon Broadway during the academic dress collection.

2. The deposit will be forfeited if the academic dress is returned after the last date of return and/or it is not in good condition*.

* The term "good condition" refers to NO cuttings/alterations of any kinds, burns, tears, rips in fabric, holes on velvet or satin, discolorations, irremovable stains, hot iron marks, scotch tape marks, damaged, missing buttons/tassel, dented mortar boards or folded bonnets.

Any exchange due to change of size is subject to a 14-day exchange policy upon receipt of order. Item must be in its original good condition and an original receipt must be produced to show proof of purchase/rental.

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and our data protection policy, all personal information provided by you will only be used for the purpose of the collection and/or return of the academic dress. This information will be treated in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to any third parties.

Useful links from the NTU Convocation team

 How to wear graduation gown (academic dress)

There is a video provided by the NTU Convocation team on YouTube video on how to wear the graduation gown (academic dress).

I hope that helps!

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